幼儿中期教育 Teaching Children In Class


Bachelor of 艺术 in 幼儿中期教育 Degree

Encourage young minds to be their best with the Bachelor of 艺术 (B.A.) in middle childhood education degree at the Mount Union大学. 我们的教育学院通过了认证 Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation, (CAEP) which means you will receive in-depth knowledge through an array of specialized courses.

Our faculty bring years of experience and care about your success. They will prepare you to lead a classroom of your own upon receiving your degree. 独特的经历可以让你向该领域的专家学习,并对教育系统的运作有深入的了解.



Mount Union的中学儿童教育专业将重要的教学原则与现实世界的经验结合起来,通过学生教学的机会,如联盟中学的导航员项目.

当你展示独立或小组研究时,在会议或我们的年度学者日建立联系时,发展你的教学组合. 像这样的沉浸式体验会增加你的信心,让你成为孩子们成功所需的领导者.



  • 34 credit hours within the middle childhood education degree program
  • 32 credit hours in the well-rounded Integrative Core (IC)
  • 在芝加哥等城市的经历.
  • 满足 aspiring educators like you through student organizations.


Learn more about the Degree in 幼儿中期教育

把时间投入到你的未来,作为一名教育工作者,在联合山中学获得儿童教育文学学士学位,启发孩子们的生活. 卓越的学生教学经验和你将获得的有意义的联系将为你做出改变做好准备.

  • 课程


    As a middle childhood education major at the Mount Union大学, you will begin with an introduction to the teaching profession. While completing the middle childhood education major requirements, you will gain knowledge and understanding in the areas of content area literacy, 看字读音, assessment and multicultural education as well as two concentrations of your choice. 您还将被要求参加临床前和临床实践,作为我们CAEP认证的教师教育计划的一部分,以便更好地为您在教育领域的有益职业做好准备. 

    在联合山, 在完成了额外的课程后,获得了中等儿童教育学位,就可以在两个集中领域获得四年级到九年级的教学许可证. 我们还提供额外的课程,为其他两个专注领域的四年级到六年级学生提供背书.  


    • 考生将展示对主题领域的理解,并根据这些知识创造有意义的学习经历.
    • Candidates will demonstrate an understanding of each student’s cognitive, 社会, 物理, and emotional development and to create learning opportunities that support student academic development.
    • 候选人将展示识别和重视学生多样性的能力,以及学生如何学习和提供适应这种多样性的指导的差异.
    • Candidates will demonstrate the ability to develop instructional plans based on student's needs, 课程目标与模式, 主题和社区.
    • 候选人将展示教学知识和技能,并利用这些专业知识鼓励每个学生发展批判性思维和解决问题的能力.
    • 考生将展示其创造有利于学习的课堂环境和鼓励公平的氛围的能力, 积极的社会互动, 主动学习, 和自我激励.
    • 候选人将展示有效的语言表达, 非语言的, 写, 技术, and media communication skills to support and enhance student learning.
    • 考生将展示对评估作用的理解,以及使用正式和非正式的评估策略来评估学生的学习.
    • 考生将展示自我反思所需的技能,并利用这些知识分析过去的经验,寻求专业发展机会.
    • Candidates will demonstrate the ability to collaborate with students, 候选人, 父母, 社区成员, and professional colleagues in order to support student learning and development.
    • 候选人将表现出关怀的意识.

    查看我们的 大学目录 威尼斯人app下载.

  • 从实践经验中学习


    选择在Mount Union大学学习中期儿童教育专业的学生将有充足的机会在各种学校和教育机构的课堂上进行观察和教学. 你是否想成为一名教师, 教练, 指导顾问, 管理员或教授, Mount Union will put you on the fast track to finding a rewarding and successful career in education, 具备所有必要的技能, 知识与经验.


    实地体验为你提供了走进教室并获得实践经验的机会, which is critical to a successful career in middle childhood education after graduation. 威尼斯人app下载CAEP认证的教师教育项目候选人在真实的课堂环境中获得超过600小时的经验, 观察, 在他们毕业的时候协助和教学. 因为这些实地经验, 你将有机会发现在课堂上什么是有效的,什么是无效的,以及应用你在课程中学到的策略,并找出什么是你的最佳实践. 

    参加联合城市学校 导航器程序 is another opportunity for middle childhood education majors to gain hands-on experiences as a teacher. The 导航器程序 is an after school program at Alliance Middle School, in which education majors from Mount Union are actively involved as paid teachers and/or volunteers.

    Mount Union students can also take advantage of our clinical exchange programs. 学生可以通过芝加哥学期计划或在印第安人保留地学校选择临床实习来拓宽视野. 


    Spring break trips are organized annually for Mount Union大学 students, and middle childhood education major students specifically have the opportunity to travel to Charleston, South Carolina as part of the middle school field experience/seminar class. The trip provides teacher 候选人 with the opportunity to teach at low-income, 不同的中学一周.


    Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) is an international honorary for education majors. KDP was founded in 1911 and promotes excellence in and recognizes outstanding contributions to education. KDP的成员是有价值的教育理想的典范, express an intention of continuing in the field of education and show evidence of leadership abilities.

    全国学生教育协会 (SNEA) is a student-led organization on Mount Union’s campus, 专为教育专业的学生开放.

  • 职业生涯


    通过在Mount Union大学攻读中期儿童教育学位并完成我们的caep认证,加入不断发展的教学领域 教师教育计划.

    Due to a larger number of children and adults seeking education opportunities and increased retirements, 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,未来几年教育领域的就业机会将显著增加. This growth is expected to be larger at the elementary (grades 1-5) and middle school (grades 6-8) levels.

    As a middle childhood education major at Mount Union, you will be able fulfill this growing need with preparation for teaching grades four through nine.  You will be primed to specialize in young adolescent development, selecting at least two areas of emphasis that may include language arts, 数学, 科学及社会研究. 我们的课程还为您提供了一个获得阅读和中学通才认可的机会.

    Mount Union的教育学院和教师教育项目旨在帮助候选人在毕业后获得教师职位. 教育专业或辅修课程也为学生在教育以外的许多领域的职业生涯提供了良好的基础.





